We do this by obtaining relevant international accreditation from recognized professional bodies and international distance learning accreditation bodies. Below are the Accreditation and Approvals so far received:
QAHE inspects the internal quality assurance system and reviews study programs of a university. The QAHE Accreditation scheme assists institutions to achieve and maintain international standards and all accredited institutions must enter the Continuous Perfection Evaluation process every year (www.qahe.org)Our management consultancy related degrees are recognized for the purpose of awarding the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) qualification. The CMC is the highest professional qualification in Management Consultancy and is recognized in over 50 countries reciprocally.
Commonwealth University has been given the UNESCO Learning Badge for advancing the internationalization of education. This UNESCO certification is valid till 2023. The UK Relevant Laws allow non-UK institutions like the Commonwealth University, a Panamanian registered institution, operates in the UK. Even though the Commonwealth University has a UK office, it is not a UK university and the degrees awarded by the Commonwealth University are strictly those of the Commonwealth University as a registered International Business Company (IBC) under the jurisdiction and authority of Panama and are not those of any UK Universities.[/bsf-info-box]