David Iornem Leadership Lecture

COVID-19 and the Future of Higher Education in Nigeria: We Swim Together or Drown Together By Ukertor Gabriel Moti (Ph.D) (Professor of Public Sector Management and Governance) Department of Public Administration, University of Abuja ukertor@yahoo.com; gabriel.ukertor@uniabuja.edu.ng. Presented at the 2nd Annual Lecture of the David Iornem Leadership Foundation Saturday, 15th August, 2020.     Introduction   COVID-19 pandemic which within months has...


Commonwealth University gets Accredited Institution in Benin Republic and in Nigeria

The Commonwealth University, working jointly with the St Clements University, has successfully established a private university in the Republic of Benin. Named Ecole Superieure Universitaire St Clements & Commonwealth, the new private university was among the sixteen (16) newly approved private universities in 2016. Located at Akpakpa Kpankpan District in...